Swatting Mosquitoes May Help Them to Learn Your Scent
Mosquitoes are an unfortunate part of summertime. These bugs fly around biting people in order to feed on their blood. Swatting them away is an instinctive reaction that could help you avoid being bitten. Mosquitoes and Scent...
Top Warm Weather Pest Control Problem Insects
While it’s nice to have warmer weather, it also means that there are more pests around. Some pests that are highly active in summer are more difficult to deal with. Keep the following tips in mind if you come across them, and...
Bumble Bees Versus Carpenter Bees
When it gets warm out, you might see large bees with a more bulky shape buzzing around your property. Are these bumble bees or carpenter bees? Knowing how to tell the difference between the two can help you decide if it’s time...
Loss of Green Space Pushes Mosquitoes to Municipal Parks
Mosquitoes out in the wild are common, but they’re not as much of a problem in these unpopulated areas. With more and more green spaces disappearing or shrinking, though, these pests are moving to parks and other populated areas...
Ant Queens’ Sacrifice for Starting a New Colony
All ant colonies have a queen who usually focuses on reproductive tasks. However, researchers have found that some do another task that would typically be done by workers. Learn more about this unusual task for ant queens, and...
Ants Sacrifice Sick Companions, Putting Colony Growth First
Ants are known for being busy bugs, and it turns out that they’re also highly efficient when it comes to protecting their colony. In fact, these pests will do whatever it takes to make sure that their colony continues to thrive....
Carpenter Bees, the Bee without the Sting
During spring and summer in NJ, you might dread going outdoors and having to deal with stinging insects. The good news is that not all bees that you see flying around are able to sting you. Carpenter bees, which tend to hover...
Mosquitoes May be Living and Breeding Inside Your Home
Mosquitoes can make you miserable when you spend time outdoors on warm evenings, but did you know that these bugs can also become a problem in your home? Find out more about how these pests enter homes, and don’t hesitate to get...