
How Do Ant Colonies Spread?

Ant colonies – how ants spread and colonize new areas is interesting science. Ants are famously known as industrious insects, but that’s not really an asset in the eyes of homeowners. Hard work definitely comes into play when ants spread out to new colonies. Our ant control services experts share helpful information about this traditional process.

Structure of an Ant Colony

As with all living creatures, ants have a biological imperative to reproduce. Each type of ant has a particular rank in the colony’s “pecking order” based on their role in the reproductive process.

  • In keeping with her title, the queen “rules” the colony. Queens are generally larger than other ants and have longer life spans. Reproduction is the sole purpose of queens, while the others serve her needs.
  • Alates are winged male and female ants. Their ability to fly allows them to play a crucial role in reproduction.
  • Worker ants are just that. These ants tend to the brood, forage for food, and perform other tasks crucial to the colony’s survival.

Reproduction and Recolonization

Reproduction begins when alates leave the colony in a swarm to seek mates from other colonies. Once a queen mates, she searches for a safe place to build a nest and raises her initial brood, which is comprised entirely of worker ants, on her own.

Once there are enough workers for a functional colony, the queen begins producing virgin queens, who differ from worker females by having wings and fully developed ovaries. Once the colony becomes large enough, the cycle comes full circle. Alates will once again swarm and the fertilized queens will create new colonies.

Premier Ant Control Services in NJ

Do you suspect ants may be colonizing in or around your home? Our ant control services technicians can safely and thoroughly eliminate every trace of these common pests. Contact Allison Pest Control to learn more.


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