Is It Possible I have Carpenter Ants? How to Know
Most people think of ants as unwelcome guests at a picnic, but some of them can do more serious damage. Watch for these signs that let you know it’s time to call a carpenter ant exterminator. Carpenter Ants vs. Termites...
Termite Damage Estimates – Fast Treatment is Key to Saving Money
Termites typically cause billions of dollars in damage to homes in the U.S. each year. How much can you expect to pay if you need to hire a termite exterminator? Find out more about termite estimates and costs. Termite Numbers...
Is It Possible I Have Termites? How to Know
Are termites slowly but surely doing damage to your home? These pests can end up making houses and other structures unsafe due to widespread damage. If you’ve noticed any of the following signs, then it’s time for termite control...
Do It Yourself Termite Extermination – Can You Do It?
Dealing with a termite problem as soon as possible is important in order to reduce the risk of serious damage. But should you try to tackle a termite extermination on your own? Find out why it might be better to hire a termite...
What to Know About NJ Termites for this Spring
As spring arrives, certain members of termite colonies become more active. In fact, you might see them swarming if you have NJ termites in or near your home. A Tom’s River exterminator can help you deal with a termite...
Termite Prevention and Control Tips From Rutgers Pt 2
Now that you know how to prevent termites, what happens if you have them already? You’ll need prompt help to handle these pests. Thorough and effective treatment is needed to help prevent significant damage to your home. Our...
Termite Prevention and Control Tips From Rutgers Pt 1
Termites are among the most destructive household pests in NJ. They consume cellulose in wood, which weakens it. Our Tom’s River pest control technicians recommend taking steps to prevent termite infestations in your home....
What Are New Jersey Termites Doing in Late January and February?
When it comes to New Jersey termites in winter, “out of sight, out of mind” is NOT the attitude to have. Here’s why you may still need pest control services in the chilly months of January and February. Just...