The Benefits of Hiring a Local Pest Control Company in Monmouth County
When pests decide to make your home their home, it quickly becomes a problem that no homeowner wants to deal with alone. That’s where the benefits of hiring a local pest control company, like Allison Pest Control, become...
Common New Jersey Summer Pests in June
June marks the beginning of summer, with longer days and warmer weather. However, it’s also the time when certain summer pests become more active and problematic, particularly in Monmouth County, including the cities of...
Stink Bugs Can Survive NJ Winters
These are the insects you love to hate. No matter how cold it gets in NJ during winter, don’t be surprised to see these pesky bugs emerge in spring. These shield-shaped insects can survive the cold, making them a springtime pest...
Is DEET a Safe Summer Pest Repellent?
Summer outdoor fun often means a never-ending battle against mosquitoes. When it comes to insect repellents with DEET, some people wonder if the solution is worse than the problem. Our Rumson NJ exterminator separates fact from...
What To Know About Cockroaches: Where, How, And Why They Invade Your Home.
American cockroaches can be a nightmare for NJ homeowners to deal with. These creepy crawly pests can easily enter homes and will hang around if they’re able to find even the smallest amounts of water and food. Since they can...
What to Do When You Find Centipedes and Silverfish in Your Home
Centipedes and silverfish are long, thin pests that can make NJ homeowners cringe. While these pests aren’t a big threat to humans, they can create problems by damaging household items in some cases. In addition to pest control...
You Found One Cockroach in Your Home. Is It a Loner or Did It Bring Its Friends?
Seeing one cockroach in your home might startle you, but should you worry about a much large infestation? When you see one cockroach, chances are that there are others hiding in drains, walls and other parts of your home. Keep...
Many Pests Will Make Their Winter Home in Your Home. Here Are Some Pests to Look For
Your attic is a great hiding spot for many types of pests. Keep in mind that some pests will enter attic spaces in fall or early winter to escape the cold. What kinds of pests might be in your attic? You might need professional...