What to Know About Yellowjacket Queens in the Spring
Yellow jackets might seem like a summer problem, but queens can start causing trouble in spring. Since these pests can be dangerous to have around, knowing more about their behavior is important. Keep the following information on...
Stop Stings from Bees and Wasps This Summer
Spending time outside in summer means taking a risk of encountering stinging insects like wasps and bees. Although some of these bugs will leave you alone, others might sting, especially if you stumble across their nest. The...
Removing Stinging Pests Yourself is Dangerous. Call The Professionals!
Stinging pests, what to do when you need relief? Wasps, bees, hornets, and other stinging insects can be a nuisance to have around in general. For those who are allergic, these insects can be dangerous. When you find a nest or...
5 Differences Between New Jersey Hornets and Wasps
Summer’s warm weather means that you might encounter hornets and wasps. These stinging insects can cause a lot of trouble, especially if you or any family members are allergic to their stings. Knowing the difference between these...
Wasp or Hornet? Identifying These Stinging Insects
Stinging Insects – wasps and hornets can make being outside in summer an unpleasant or even frightening experience. Bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets are known for stinging people, which can be a serious danger for...
What to Know About October Yellow Jackets and Other Stinging Insects
What do you think of when someone mentions fall? Crunchy leaves, crisp air, or the pumpkin patch? Well, Spring Lake Exterminators think of stinging pests like wasps, mosquitoes, and yellow jackets. Often we associate those...
How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest – Tip Call a Professional!
If you’ve recently come across a wasp nest on your property, your first thought is what you need to do to get rid of it. As your Monmouth County pest control company, we always recommend talking with the professionals...
Everything a NJ Homeowner Wants to Know About Wasps and Bees
As the best exterminator in Monmouth County, we are frequently called upon to deal with bees and wasps. Our pest control experts offer this information about bees and wasps to help you tell them apart. Physical Characteristics At...