Watch Your Step! There Might Be A Yellow Jacket Nest Under Your Foot
Did you know Yellow Jackets can nest underground? When it comes to stinging insects, yellow jackets are one of the most aggressive types around. They can sting several times and attack as a group, especially if you get close to...
Winter Weather Patterns Can Affect Pest Populations
The kinds of weather patterns that form during winter can affect the types of pest problems NJ homeowners and commercial property owners have. Certain kinds of weather can make it easier for pests to thrive, resulting in higher...
Are You Finding Wings and Pest Debris in Your Pantry?
Will anything make you lose your appetite faster than finding insect wings in your kitchen? Our NJ pest control services experts share helpful information and prevention tips about some common pantry pests. Indian Meal Moths The...
Scratching Heard Inside Your Walls Means Mice Are Coming In
When you hear noises inside your walls, such as scratching, you might have a mouse problem. Mice can get inside these areas and make themselves at home until you get professional NJ pest control services to remove them. The...
What Happens to Insects in the Winter – Part Two
Our previous post explored how ants and bed bugs spend the winter months. They’re not the only bugs that are able to survive cold temperatures. Learn about a few more insects you might need Brielle NJ pest control for this season...
What Happens to Insects in the Winter – Part One
Insects don’t necessarily die off when the weather gets cold. In fact, quite a few insects can survive winter, even when it’s freezing outside. Brielle NJ pest control professionals often have to deal with insects in winter when...
The NJ Tick Season is Expected to be Worse Than Usual this Year
Ticks are a common problem in late summer and early fall, and they could be an even bigger issue this year. These biting pests might have larger populations this year due to recent weather conditions and other factors. Find out...
Top Summer Pests Found in NJ Homes
The summer months bring a lot of bugs and other pests out of hiding. You’ll need to be on the alert for pests both inside and outside when it’s warm out. Which kinds of pests might you need pest control in Monmouth County for...