
A Few Pests to Keep an Eye Out for This Spring

Springtime means the return of sunshine and flowers, but the downside is that it also brings many insects and rodents out into the open. Keep an eye out for these creepy-crawlies that may call for spring pest control services.


Once ants emerge from their winter quarters, there’s no telling where they’ll turn up. They’re traditionally known as unwelcome picnic guests, but ants are equally willing to enter your home if there’s food available.

Unfortunately, ants leave pheromone trails, so a lone explorer is likely to be followed by many more. Store food in airtight containers and promptly wipe down crumbs and spills on countertops to send ants looking for sustenance elsewhere.


Few things will spoil the fun of outdoor activities like the irritating buzzing and bites of mosquitoes. These pests love damp areas, so spring showers bring breeding mosquitoes as well as flowers.

Science hasn’t yet found a way to control rainfall, but you can help make conditions a little less inviting by removing any sources of standing water. Be on the lookout for toys, pails, planters, and other items that collect water and empty them out.


Much like humans, termites often seek new homes during spring. Termite swarms, which usually occur on warm days after rain, indicate that a nearby colony has reached maximum capacity and they need to create a new one.

Unlike ants and mosquitoes, termites can cause serious structural damage as they gnaw through wood in search of cellulose, which is their major source of nutrition. Make sure wood is stored at a safe distance away from your home.

Spring Pest Control Services in NJ

Don’t let pests ruin the joys of spring. Contact us at Allison Pest Control to schedule a free inspection by our friendly and professional technicians.

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