
3 Tips to Keep Mice Out Of Your New Jersey Home This Winter

With colder winter temperatures in the area, it’s common for mice to seek out places that provide them with shelter. This can lead mice to invade your house in order to have access to warmth, food, and water. Our pest control NJ company offers the following tips on keeping mice out this winter.

Look for Entryways in Your Home Exterior

The outside of your house can provide mice with convenient ways to get inside. Mice can get through tiny cracks in your foundation or gaps around windows and doors. They can also crawl through pipes to get inside. Look for any openings that allow mice to get in, and check to see if your windows, doors, and garage door are able to close all the way.

Check Your Home Interior

The inside of your home can also reveal entryways for mice. Check for drafts around windows and doors, which can indicate that there are tiny gaps that mice can squeeze through. Check for signs that you might already have mice inside your home, such as chew marks, droppings, and nesting materials.

Close Up Gaps

Seal up any gaps or openings that mice can get through in order to keep these pests out this winter. If you have signs that mice have already invaded your house, have a professional pest control company handle it.

If you’re looking for reliable pest control NJ services for a mouse problem, contact Allison Pest Control. Our experts can thoroughly eliminate mice from your home.

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