Mice Carry Disease – What to Know to Protect Your Family
Having mice in your house doesn’t just put your food at risk. Mice carry diseases that they can spread to people and pets. Our residential and commercial pest control experts offer the following tips on protecting your family...
Get Proactive Against Pests – Waste Management Tips
It’s time to get proactive against pests! Pests, including mice and cockroaches, can easily find their way to your home in search of food. These pests can dig through garbage in outside cans or look for food waste inside...
3 Tips to Keep Mice Out Of Your New Jersey Home This Winter
With colder winter temperatures in the area, it’s common for mice to seek out places that provide them with shelter. This can lead mice to invade your house in order to have access to warmth, food, and water. Our pest control NJ...
To DIY or Not DIY: Why You Should Hire a Pest Control Expert For Your Rodent Problem
When you have mice or rats in your home, getting them out as soon as possible is important. These rodents can spread harmful germs, ruin your property, and even become a fire risk if they chew on wiring. Should you handle them on...
Rodents NJ Residents Should Expect This Winter And How to Prevent Their Entry
Winter weather can bring rodents into your home, which can lead to the spread of germs, property damage, food contamination, and other problems. NJ rodent control service can help eliminate these pests from your home. These are...
Rats and Mice in the UK Are Becoming Immune to Rodenticides – What to Know
Just as germs can become resistant to antibiotics used in humans, rats and mice can develop immunity to commonly used rodenticides. Our Monmouth County NJ exterminator staff takes a look at what this means for efforts to control...
Can Rats Carry the Coronavirus? What You Need to Know
Rats are notorious carriers of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens posing health threats to humans. So, we can most likely add coronavirus to the list, right? Our Colts Neck exterminator takes a look at current information...
CDC Weighs in on Rat Population Problems Driven by the Pandemic
As restaurants cope with pandemic-driven limitations and shutdowns, two-legged customers aren’t the only ones affected. Unexpected impact on the rodent population is creating a greater need for Manasquan exterminator...