
Carpenter Ants May Be Feasting on Your Building Structure

Carpenter ants are pests that can destroy the wood inside your home while they dig tunnels for their nest. How can you tell if you have a carpenter ant problem? Look for signs of these bugs, and get help from professional pest control in Monmouth County to prevent serious wood damage.

Carpenter Ant Behavior

Seeing a few of these ants in your home might not seem alarming, especially if they disappear after a couple of weeks. However, just because you don’t see them anymore doesn’t mean they’re gone. In fact, these ants stay busy out of sight inside walls tunneling through wood. Over time, this behavior can lead to structural damage in your home.

Signs of Carpenter Ants

How do you know if you have carpenter ants in your home? Signs that they’re around include the following:

• Carpenter ant appearances in your home every spring

• Piles of sawdust that these ants leave behind while clearing out wood for tunnels

• Rustling noises inside your walls as carpenter ants move around

• Areas of moist or wet wood that can attract carpenter ants

Keep in mind that these ants build nests in different areas. Pest control experts can determine where these nests are and eliminate them.

If you’ve seen signs of carpenter ants in your home, it’s time for professional pest control in Monmouth County. Contact Allison Pest Control to learn more about our carpenter ant control services.

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