Penn State Says the Black Carpenter Ant is a Common Problem
Many pests are found in NJ, but carpenter ants are one of the more common kinds. NJ homeowners turn to professional Middlesex carpenter ant control to get rid of infestations in their home. Learn more about this common insect...
What Does It Mean if You Find Carpenter Ants in Your Home this Winter
Carpenter ants can easily survive the winter months when they have a warm place to stay. When you see these large ants in your home, this can indicate that you have a carpenter ant infestation. A Freehold exterminator can...
Everything to Know About Carpenter Ants
The large ants that you see crawling around outdoors in spring and summer are known as carpenter ants. These ants can become a problem if they find a way into your home, especially if they start a colony there. Find out more...
Carpenter Ants – a NJ Spring Wood-Damaging Pest
If you’ve seen large, black ants inside your home, you could have a carpenter ant problem. While some carpenter ants might wander into your home accidentally, seeing them frequently or seeing several of them could mean that it’s...
Carpenter Ants May Be Feasting on Your Building Structure
Carpenter ants are pests that can destroy the wood inside your home while they dig tunnels for their nest. How can you tell if you have a carpenter ant problem? Look for signs of these bugs, and get help from professional pest...
New Jersey Wood Damaging Pests: Carpenter Ants
Not all ants are a pantry or kitchen problem in homes. Some ants are known for destroying wood, which can lead to a considerable amount of expensive damage. Carpenter ants are wood-destroying ants that may require a call to a NJ...
NJ Carpenter Ant Control – What You Need to Know About Carpenter Ants in New Jersey
Carpenter ants are household pests when it comes to wood damage, just as termites are. However, these ants differ in a few significant ways from termites. Knowing more about carpenter ants can help you identify an infestation...
NJ Carpenter Bee Control – Brace Yourself for High March to May Carpenter Bee Activity
As the weather warms up this spring, you might begin to see large bees flying around your home’s exterior and other outdoor surfaces. How worried should you be about these carpenter bees? Learn more about them, and get help from...