
Why Winter Matters When It Comes to Spring, Summer and Fall Insect Populations

Why winter matters: the type of weather New Jersey has in certain seasons can increase the presence of some types of pests during other seasons. Winters in New Jersey help determine how much of a problem certain pests will be during the upcoming spring, summer and fall.

Warm, Dry Winters Mean Trouble

New Jersey had a winter that was drier and warmer than usual and looks like we are scheduled for more of the same this year. Although this might seem like good news for NJ residents, it means that cockroaches, mosquitoes and ticks will have a stronger presence during the rest of the year. These warmer winter temperatures make it easier for these pests to survive and thrive.

When combined with spring and summer storms and showers, this creates an ideal environment for pests to reproduce and invade homes and yards. Since all of these pests can spread disease, it’s crucial for homeowners and property managers to take steps to prevent infestations.

Pest Prevention in New Jersey

You can lower your risk of needing a New Jersey pest control service program for cockroaches, mosquitoes and ticks by making it harder for them to reproduce and find their way indoors.

This includes removing standing water from your yard, which helps cut down on mosquito reproduction.

You should also seal up gaps around doors and windows and wear insect repellent when you’re out in your yard if you have ticks and mosquitoes around.

Sealing cracks and gaps as well as using proper sanitation techniques helps to keep cockroaches and rodents from moving in.

Having problems with ticks, mosquitoes, rodents or cockroaches? Contact Allison Pest Control to get more information on our New Jersey pest control services. We are located in Monmouth County and service homes and businesses there as well as in Ocean County and parts of Middlesex County, New Jersey.

Call us to get started today at 800-564-4585!

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