How Do I Know if my House Has a Cockroach Infestation?
Are you worried that you might have a cockroach infestation in your home? These common NJ pests can spread germs, contaminate food, and form large colonies that are tough to eliminate. If you have any of the following signs of...
Five Reasons You May Have Cockroaches and How to Identify Them
No one willingly invites cockroaches into their home, but are you unwittingly allowing conditions that make these pests feel welcome? Our NJ exterminator takes a look at five common reasons why you may be finding these unwanted...
Research is Focusing on the Spread of Covid by Flies and Cockroaches
Studies show COVID-19 is primarily an airborne virus, usually transmitted through droplets generated when people cough, sneeze or speak. But what about flies and cockroaches, the usual suspects when it comes to infectious...
Cockroach Control Realities In Light of the Global Pandemic
The global pandemic has had an effect on pest infestations in homes and businesses, especially cockroach infestations. Whether you’re a homeowner or business owner, you might need a Point Pleasant exterminator to rid your...
Not Even the Chilliest Day in Winter Can Get Rid of Roaches – Here’s Why
Cockroaches that are commonly seen in NJ may seem to disappear from the outdoors in winter, but they can make an appearance indoors where it’s warm. However, there’s a different type of roach from Asia that is able to survive...
Could a New Species of Cockroach Arrive in New Jersey?
NJ already has enough cockroaches, but there might be yet another species that ends up making its home in our state. These cockroaches have already shown up in NYC, so it wouldn’t be hard for them to find their way to NJ. How...
What Species of Cockroach Call New Jersey Home?
Cockroaches are common pests in NJ, but you might not always be seeing the same type. In fact, NJ is home to several different kinds of cockroaches. Having any of these in your home means you’ll need professional pest control...
Check Damp Places In Your House – Roaches Might Be Lurking
Cockroaches are known for going after food, so it’s common to find signs of them in pantries or near cupboards. However, these pests are also drawn to damp places that provide them with moisture. You might need a cockroach...