
How is Wasp Venom Different Than Bee Venom?

Wasps and bees are both able to deliver venomous stings when they feel threatened. However, the venom in these stings isn’t the same. Wasp venom and bee venom contain different kinds of allergens that can cause reactions in people with allergies.

Allergens in Venom

The main difference between wasp and bee stings is the type of venom that these insects inject. Wasp venom contains the allergens antigen 5 and hyaluronidases. Bee venom has the allergens mellitin and phospholipase A2, as well as hyaluronidases.

Wasp and bee venom don’t affect everyone with allergies the same. In fact, people who have an allergy to wasp venom hardly ever have an allergy to bee venom.

Avoiding Wasp and Bee Stings

Whether you have a bee or wasp venom allergy, the best way to avoid having a reaction is to lower your risk of being stung. Watch out for bee and wasp nests on your property, and use pest control services in Monmouth County to get rid of any that you find.

Keep in mind that these nests can be hanging from structures or trees or built underground where they’re harder to see. You should also avoid wearing bright colors and having perfume or other heavy scents on, since these attract stinging insects.

If you need professional pest control services in Monmouth County, contact Allison Pest Control. We can eliminate wasps and other stinging pests from your property.

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