Are Brown Recluse Spiders in NJ?
When it comes to dangerous spiders, you’ve probably heard of the brown recluse. This brown spider is known for having a painful bite that can cause serious infections in some people. Are you likely to need NJ pest control for...
Top 3 Spiders You’ll Find in Your NJ Home This Winter
With cold temperatures, ice, and snow, you’re unlikely to see many pests roaming around outside. However, this kind of weather could drive spiders to seek shelter inside your home, where it’s warm and dry. You might need...
Look Out For Spiders in Your NJ Home This Winter
Although NJ has more than 500 types of spiders, only a handful are likely to show up in or around your home. Spiders are good at eliminating bugs in your home, but they can also be a nuisance, especially if you have a large...
Spiders Love Setting Up Their Home Near Your Backyards Bright Lights
While spiders play a valuable role in keeping insect populations down, they can become a nuisance. Some spiders build webs in inconvenient places, while others can be a risk to people and pets due to their bites. NJ pest control...
Four Facts About The Common NJ Yellow Sac Spider
Are you looking for pest control in my area because you’ve spotted northern yellow sac spiders lurking around your home? Here are four facts you should know about this insect that’s commonly found in NJ. Four Facts...
Four Practical Ways to Prevent a Spider Infestation In Your NJ Home
Founding father Benjamin Franklin was widely revered for his wisdom. According to one of his most famous pieces of advice, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Practice DIY spider control NJ with these helpful...
New Jersey Spiders That You May See This Winter
Spiders could be lurking inside closets or other areas of your home this winter. Colder temperatures cause these pests to seek shelter, especially in hidden areas of homes where they won’t be bothered. You might need a Spring...