Facts to Know About Carpenter Bees
During the springtime in NJ, you might see carpenter bees flying around outside your home. Knowing more about these insects can help you determine if you need Monmouth County NJ pest control services to remove them. Keep the...
What to Know About NJ Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are common in NJ, so you might see them buzzing around this season. What should you know about these bees as a homeowner? Learning more about these bees is important in case you end up needing Monmouth County NJ...
Carpenter Bees – Do They Have Stingers?
Seeing carpenter bees flying around can be alarming, especially if they head your way. Are these large bees able to sting you? Find out if you should be worried about these bees and whether or not you’ll need Monmouth County pest...
What to Know About Wood-Eating and Wood-Damaging Pests
Pests that cause damage to wood by eating it or tunneling through it can end up making your home unsafe. Fixing the damage that these pests cause can also be costly. Find out more about these wood-destroying pests, so you can get...
NJ Carpenter Bee Control – What to Know About Carpenter Bees in New Jersey
Carpenter bees can end up becoming a nuisance for NJ homeowners thanks to the holes they drill in building exteriors for their nests. How long do these bees usually stick around? Learn more about their life cycle, so you can...
NJ Carpenter Bee Control – Dive Bombing Bees are Carpenter Bees
Not all bees are aggressive and not all can sting, but some can give you quite a scare when they dive bomb you. If this happens, it’s most likely carpenter bees that are protecting their territory. Find out more about these bees,...
Carpenter Bees in New Jersey an Early Spring Pest – What to Look For Now
Stinging insects are usually thought of as a summertime nuisance, but some make their first appearance in early spring. Some NJ homeowners end up needing Ocean County pest control services for carpenter bees during this time of...