
NJ Carpenter Bee Control – What to Know About Carpenter Bees in New Jersey

Carpenter bees can end up becoming a nuisance for NJ homeowners thanks to the holes they drill in building exteriors for their nests. How long do these bees usually stick around? Learn more about their life cycle, so you can decide when it’s time for NJ pest control services.

Late Spring and Early Summer

During this time of year, carpenter bees lay their eggs in the nests they’ve built in wood. These eggs don’t take long to hatch. Once they’ve done so, the pupae have a steady diet of pollen for one or two months before they become adults.

Late Summer

In the latter part of summer, carpenter bees leave the nest as adults and search for pollen to feed on. You might mistake them for bumblebees due to their size and appearance, but carpenter bees don’t have hair on their abdomen.

Fall and Winter

During this part of the year, male and female carpenter bees stay in hibernation, until they’re ready to come out again in spring. They typically stay in the nests they’ve already made rather than making a new one.

Early Spring

Carpenter bees mate during this time of year. After mating, male carpenter bees start to die. Females begin laying their eggs and expanding their nests by drilling through wood.

Don’t let carpenter bees damage your home’s exterior. For more information on NJ pest control services, please contact Allison Pest Control.

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