Are Carpenter Ants Problematic Year Round or Seasonally?
The carpenter ant (Camponotus spp) is a type of large ant found all over the United States. They can cause massive property damage as they establish their colonies in wooden parts of your home or property. Because they build...
Carpenter Ant Infestation Identification for This Spring
Think you have a carpenter ant infestation? Carpenter ants are busy in spring, which might include building a nest in your home. Having a carpenter ant infestation means you’ll need NJ ant control service, but how do you know if...
Early Spring Is The Perfect Time To Resist Carpenter Ants
Can you even resist carpenter ants? You might not have had to deal with any carpenter ants in or near your home all winter long. During spring, though, you have a much higher chance of seeing these pests. Find out how to prevent...
Floorboards Destroyed By Carpenter Ants? Here’s Some Ways to Handle House Pest Damage
Carpenter ants nest in wood, which makes damp floor sills a frequent target of their tunnels. Our Manasquan NJ exterminator explains the basics of replacing floor sills along with ways to prevent their destruction. How to Replace...
What to Know About Carpenter Ant Infestations
A lot of NJ pest control companies get calls about carpenter ants, and for good reason. These pests can become a real problem during warm weather in New Jersey. It’s important to learn as much as possible about these pests...
Carpenter Ants – a NJ Spring Wood-Damaging Pest
If you’ve seen large, black ants inside your home, you could have a carpenter ant problem. While some carpenter ants might wander into your home accidentally, seeing them frequently or seeing several of them could mean that it’s...
It’s a Winged Termite, No, It’s a Winged Carpenter Ant – How To Spot The Difference
Since termites are able to destroy homes when left untreated, it’s important to know when you need professional termite control New Jersey services. However, knowing if you have them can be tricky. Carpenter ants are sometimes...
What Are Carpenter Ants and What To Do If You Have Them
Carpenter ants can do a lot of damage to your home when you leave an infestation untreated. Knowing how to identify carpenter ants in New Jersey and how to handle an infestation are important to keeping your home safe and...