
Are Carpenter Ants Problematic Year Round or Seasonally?

The carpenter ant (Camponotus spp) is a type of large ant found all over the United States. They can cause massive property damage as they establish their colonies in wooden parts of your home or property.

Because they build their nests indoors as well as outdoors, they can be a menace all year round. Aside from the usual preventive tips, here’s a quick look at some control measures to consider before calling in a carpenter ant exterminator.

Use Diatomaceous Earth

This approach works on carpenter ants and other pests by dehydrating their exoskeletons. Because it isn’t toxic to humans, you can pick it up at any outlet and spread it around the ant nests or any areas where you notice them.

Disrupt Their Scent Trails

Carpenter ants rely on pheromone trails to guide each other to food sources. You can disorient them and slow their infestation by wiping or spraying their busiest areas with essential oil solutions (cedarwood, citrus, tea tree).

Apply Boric Acid

You can get this powerful chemical at any garden supply store but handle it carefully. All you’ll need to do is mix it with some sugar (1 measure of sugar to 2 of Boric acid. Place small amounts in bottle caps and place them wherever ants are present.

Apply Poisonous Bait

If the colony is hard to reach or especially troublesome, poison might be the solution. Acquire the poison and carefully mix it with sugar and milk (1:1:1). Apply this bait near the entrance to the colony, and they will take this bait and carry it into the nest, eventually killing off the entire ant population.

Final Thoughts

If you want to make sure you’re completely ant-free, a professional carpenter ant exterminator will be your best option. Contact Allison Pest Control for experienced, cost effective pest control services in Monmouth and Ocean County, NJ.

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