Floorboards Destroyed By Carpenter Ants? Here’s Some Ways to Handle House Pest Damage
Carpenter ants nest in wood, which makes damp floor sills a frequent target of their tunnels. Our Manasquan NJ exterminator explains the basics of replacing floor sills along with ways to prevent their destruction.
How to Replace Floor Sills
• Remove the plywood subfloor to determine which sections need to be replaced.
• Remove any securing fasteners and use a pry bar to separate the sills from the foundation.
• Measure the removed sections and use a circular saw to cut a 2-by-4 to the specifications.
• Position the replacement sill in place and use the fasteners to attach it to the foundation.
• Replace the plywood subfloor and attach with screws.
How to Eliminate Carpenter Ants
• Attract ants by placing drops of a honey and water mixture on small pieces of masking tape and putting them on the floor. Track the ants as they return to their nest and note the location.
• Drill 1/8″ holes into the baseboards or other points of entry. Place the tip of a bottle of boric acid inside the holes. Puff the bottle to expel the boric acid inside, which will kill the ants.
• Use this method on cracks and crevices around floor sills and other areas prone to carpenter ant infestation.
• Carpenter ant nests can be hard to detect. An experienced exterminator can eliminate even the most well-hidden nests.
Safe and Effective Manasquan NJ Exterminator Services
Don’t let common pests affect your health and safety. Contact Allison Pest Control and schedule a free inspection by our cheerful and professional technicians.