
Three Cockroaches You Are Likely to Find In Your NJ Home This Winter

NJ homeowners don’t want to find cockroaches in their homes, but these pests might show up during winter. Cockroaches typically look for somewhere dry and warm to go in winter, including residential homes. The following are a few different types of cockroaches you might encounter this season.

American Cockroaches

American cockroaches are large, but they’re able to get through tiny cracks and other openings. These brown roaches tend to flee when people enter rooms, especially when they turn on the light.

German Cockroaches

German cockroaches are smaller in size than American cockroaches. They’re also a lighter shade of brown. These cockroaches are commonly found inside homes, where they have easy access to water and food.

Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are a dark brown or black color. These roaches usually stay in places that are moist and dark, such as basements or crawl spaces. They might also lurk in sewers and come into homes through pipes.

Cockroach Prevention Tips

You can reduce your risk of a cockroach infestation by keeping your home clean, especially your kitchen and pantry. You should clean off your counters, sweep your floor and empty garbage cans each day to remove crumbs and other food debris. Fixing pipe leaks right away can also keep cockroaches away, since this eliminates a source of water for them.

If you need pest control in Ocean County NJ for a cockroach problem or other pest problem, contact Allison Pest Control. We have experienced technicians available to handle pest infestations in your home.

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