
What Are the Big Black Ants in New Jersey?

Most of the ants you see in NJ tend to be small, such as pavement ants on sidewalks and sugar ants in kitchens. If you’ve noticed big black ants roaming around, what kind are you seeing? Find out what these big ants are and when you’ll need pest control services for them.

Identifying Large Black Ants

When you see big ants in or around your home, you’re most likely seeing Eastern black carpenter ants. These ants can grow to be 3/4 inch long as adults, making them much larger than many other types of NJ ants. Worker members of carpenter ant colonies don’t have wings, while reproductive members do.

Carpenter Ant Colonies

Carpenter ant colonies can number in the thousands. This can lead to a widespread infestation in your home if they build a nest in or near it. These ants stay inactive in winter when they’re outdoors, but they can remain active if they build nests in heated indoor areas.

Carpenter Ant Damage

Carpenter ants don’t bite as fire ants do. However, they can end up doing considerable damage to your home or trees in your yard. These ants dig through wood while establishing colonies, resulting in holes that can weaken wood structures over time. You should have pest control experts inspect your property for carpenter ant nests and eliminate them to prevent damage.

If you need pest control services for carpenter ants, contact Allison Pest Control. We can send experienced exterminators to your home to deal with ant infestations.

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