
Carpenter Ants Can Damage Trees, Telephone Poles

Spring’s warmer weather means that carpenter ants are around more often potentially causing damage to trees, telephone poles, and other sources of wood. You might even have these large, black ants in your home chewing through wood inside walls or other places. Keep the following New Jersey carpenter ant identification tips in mind, so you’ll know if you need professional pest control.

Size and Shape

Carpenter ants stand out from other ants due to their size. These ants grow to be 5/8 inches long or even longer. Queens tend to be larger than worker ants in these colonies. For comparison, sugar ants and other ants are much smaller. Carpenter ants have a thorax shaped like an arch and usually have black coloring.

Signs of Damage

Although these ants don’t eat wood, they gnaw or chew through it to build nests. Their tunnels tend to go across the grain instead of following it as termite tunnels do. Carpenter ants also leave clean, smooth tunnels with small piles of dust outside them. Termites leave messy tunnels.

What to Do About This Insect Pest?

Carpenter ants might not be consuming wood in your home or eating your trees. However, they can still cause damage to wood structures in and around your home. You should have pest control technicians identify these pests and handle them using professional pest control methods.

If you need help with New Jersey carpenter ant identification in your home, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our team can correctly identify these ants and eliminate them for you.

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