
Prevent the Detrimental Side Effects of Bed Bugs in Your NJ Store

They may be called bed bugs, but these pests can turn up in many other places. A recent incident at a national chain store points up the importance of pest control services for restaurants and retail businesses.

Are Those Bed Bugs?

Last December, social media weighed in on pictures posted by an employee at the World Trade Center location of H&M, a popular clothes store with outlets across the country. According to the tweet that accompanied the photo, a customer first noticed the insects crawling across a rack of hoodies.

The employee went on to say that the store did not close, nor were other employees notified of the situation. Instead, the section was simply blocked off.

The Public Reacts

While the employee originally referred to the pests as lice, others pointed out that lice are too small to see with the naked eye and the insects looked more like bed bugs. Despite the employee saying this was the first time she had seen insects on clothing, many people criticized H&M for not taking more decisive action.

Evidently, management was made aware of the comments. A representative from H&M stated that the company was taking the situation seriously and temporarily closing the store so it could be completely sanitized.

Need Effective NJ Pest Control Services?

Don’t let your NJ business fall victim to bed bugs, cockroaches, or other pests. Contact us at Allison Pest Control to schedule a free inspection by our friendly and experienced technicians.

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