
Five Reasons Why Cave Crickets May Be In Your Home This Winter

Cave crickets or camel crickets are crickets that have a humped back, no wings and a brownish color. These crickets are known for jumping toward potential threats, which might startle you. However, they’re not considered dangerous. You might need to search for pest control in my area if cave crickets are in your home for any of the following reasons.

Cold Outdoor Temperatures

Winter weather could drive cave crickets to seek shelter in warmer spots. They might choose your home to hide in for the winter until warmer weather arrives.

Indoor Humidity

Cave crickets stay in environments that provide plenty of moisture and humidity. If your basement or crawlspace has a damp feel, use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air.


Cave crickets look for water to drink. Pipe leaks in your home can provide them with a source of drinking water. Fix leaks to keep these bugs out.


Cave crickets can get into your home through small gaps. Closing these entry points can keep these bugs out of your basement and the rest of your house. Look for gaps around basement windows and other windows and doors in your home.


If you have clutter in your home, these areas give cave crickets a place to hide and reproduce. Getting rid of clutter can make it harder for cave crickets to breed and stay in your home.

If you’re searching for pest control in my area, please contact Allison Pest Control. We can rid your NJ home of cave crickets.

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