
Michigan State University Gives Tips on Removing Wasp Nests

Having a wasp nest in your yard, on your home exterior or inside your home means you and your family might end up being stung. While some wasps aren’t aggressive, others will attack anyone who gets near their nest. The following tips can help you remove a wasp nest, but keep in mind that professional pest control services are the safest way to handle this.

Colony Size

Some types of wasps live alone, but others form colonies. These colonies can range in size from a few dozen to over a thousand workers, depending on the type of wasp you’re dealing with. Knowing which type you have is an important part of estimating how large the colony is, since a bigger colony means a higher risk of being stung multiple times.

Nest Location

Where the nest is located also determines if you should remove it. Wasp nests that are built in locations that are out of harm’s way don’t always need to be removed, since they die out later in the year.

Type of Wasp

Paper wasp nests are typically easy to destroy, since their exterior and interior are exposed. Bald-faced hornets and yellow jackets cover their nests with a protective layer, though, making them harder to destroy. You should let pest control technicians handle these types of wasp nests.

If you need professional pest control services for wasps, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our pest control experts are able to remove wasp nests carefully to reduce the risk of being attacked.

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