
Carpenter Bees Are Excellent Pollinators, But Can Cause Serious Damage to Your Home

Carpenter bees play an important role as pollinators, which makes them beneficial for local ecosystems. However, these bees can be a problem for homeowners. Find out when and why you might need an exterminator Ocean County NJ to deal with carpenter bees.

Wood Damage

The biggest problem with carpenter bees is the fact that they can cause significant damage to wood. Carpenter bees bore through wood in house exteriors, fences, and other structures while making nests for their eggs. This tunneling behavior can leave holes that become larger over time as these bees use them from year to year. This can lead to structural damage and result in an unsightly appearance.

Stinging Concerns

In addition to wood damage, are carpenter bees a threat in terms of stinging? Male carpenter bees can’t sting, since they don’t have a stinger. Female carpenter bees can sting, but they rarely do so. They only sting if you bother them. Males tend to be out and about more than females.

Dealing with Carpenter Bees

What should you do if you see holes in your home exterior or have other signs of a carpenter bee problem? You should let pest control experts handle these infestations. Experts can move these bees elsewhere, so they won’t continue damaging your home. Letting professionals handle carpenter bees also keeps you from possible being stung.

If you need an exterminator Ocean County NJ for a carpenter bee problem, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our team knows how to safely remove these bees from residential properties.

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