
Asthma, Headaches, Stomach Pain , and Bedbugs- How To Know If Bed Bugs Are Making You Sick

If you’ve been dealing with health issues, such as headaches or stomach pain, bed bugs could be the culprit. These pests are mostly known for their itchy bites, but they can also cause other symptoms in people when they invade homes. You might need a NJ exterminator to rid your home of these bugs if you have an infestation.

Bed Bugs and Health Problems

Bed bugs typically leave red, itchy bites on people when they feed on blood. While this can be a nuisance, researchers have found that the presence of bed bugs can lead to other kinds of health issues. A recent study found that bed bugs release histamine, a chemical compound that normally helps your body fight infections and inflammation. Exposure to histamine in excess levels has been linked to gastrointestinal problems, headaches, asthma, and irregular heart rate. Having these kinds of symptoms and seeing signs of bed bugs in your home means it’s time for professional pest control.

What to Do About Bed Bugs

It’s best to have pest control technicians handle a bed bug problem in your home. These tiny bugs can be hard to detect and even more difficult to eliminate entirely. Technicians have the equipment and skills to find bed bugs and thoroughly get rid of them. They can also take steps to protect your home from more bed bug infestations.

If you need a NJ exterminator for bed bugs, contact Allison Pest Control. Our pest control technicians can eliminate bed bugs from your home.

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