
There Are 63 Types of Mosquitoes in New Jersey – What to Know Part Two

Mosquitoes, mosquitoes, everywhere. That insipid buzzing means we are in the dog days of summer and our mortal summer enemy is peaking. The news that there are 63 types of mosquitoes in New Jersey can be mentally overwhelming. Let it ease your mind that Allison Pest Control has the experience and tools to combat each and every one.

The most dangerous mosquito in New Jersey at this time is the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes Albopictus), which is known to carry Zika and West Nile Virus. Chances are you can’t tell the Asian Tiger from other types. However, a free assessment from your Farmingdale NJ pest control specialists at APC can make that determination for you.

While mosquitoes need water, preferably stagnant water, to hatch and spread, it might surprise you to know that several species have eggs that can survive out of water for years. Talking to Farmingdale NJ pest control specialists can help you rid your property of these time bombs.

Despite a dry summer, heavy rains at any point can afford the mosquito eggs enough time to hatch and swarm. Your Farmingdale NJ pest control agents can track down areas of concern and eliminate the eggs before the rains come.

There are multiple layers of mosquito eradication, but Allison Pest Control has the experience to handle all of your problems.

Bottom line, talk to Allison Pest Control, your Farmingdale NJ pest control specialists to ensure the rest of your summer isn’t plagued by New Jersey’s reviled winged pests. Get your free inspection today.

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