
New Jersey Tick Identification Tips

During late summer and fall, ticks can be a problem when you spend time outside with your family and pets. Some ticks can carry diseases, such as Lyme disease or Babesiosis, making them a health hazard. Find out how to identify any ticks you encounter and when to get help from NJ pest control services.

Identifying by Physical Appearance

NJ is home to different tick species, but the most common ones are the blacklegged tick or deer tick, the American dog tick, the Lone Star tick and the brown dog tick. Blacklegged ticks have bodies with an brownish-orange color and black legs, while American dog ticks are brown with gray or white markings. Lone Star ticks are a reddish-brown color and turn gray when feeding. Brown dog ticks are also reddish-brown and turn bluish-gray while feeding. Keep in mind that ticks can become much larger after they are engorged.

Identifying by Location

Blacklegged ticks are mainly found in forested areas, while American dog ticks are found in more open areas, such as fields and trails. Lone Star ticks tend to be found in woodland areas, and brown dog ticks are often found inside or around homes. Remember to check yourself and pets often for these pests.

If you need NJ pest control services for ticks, please contact Allison Pest Control. We have the equipment and knowledge needed to rid your property of these pests.

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