
University of Kentucky Makes Breakthrough Discovery on Bed Bugs Prevention

Could the human body be harboring its own best protection against bed bugs? Our pest control exterminator takes a look at recent reports about a possible breakthrough in bed bug prevention research.

What Attracts Bed Bugs to Humans?

Factors such as heat, human body odors and carbon dioxide draw bed bugs to feed on people. Unlike other parasites such as lice, bed bugs don’t remain on humans, choosing to retreat until it’s time for their next feeding.

A pair of entomology researchers at the University of Kentucky recently conducted a study to see if they could discover the reasons behind this behavior. Their research and findings were featured in Scientific Reports.

It’s in the Skin

The duo began collecting samples by rubbing a piece of filter paper on the skin of study participants. Subjects represented a cross-section of different ages and ethnicities.

Without exception, bed bugs preferred the control filter strips to ones containing skin triglycerides. According to Zach DeVries, UK assistant professor of urban entomology who was part of the research team, these results held consistent regardless of triglyceride types, participant groups and bed bug populations.

DeVries and Sudip Gaire, the UK post-doctoral student who was his partner, believe this opens to door to further research. Ultimately, their discovery could hold the key to more effective bed bug control.

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