
Loss of Green Space Pushes Mosquitoes to Municipal Parks

Mosquitoes out in the wild are common, but they’re not as much of a problem in these unpopulated areas. With more and more green spaces disappearing or shrinking, though, these pests are moving to parks and other populated areas instead. How worried should you be about needing NJ pest control services for a mosquito problem?

Mosquito Movement

Researchers in Sao Paulo, Brazil found that mosquitoes usually found in unpopulated areas are making their way to municipal parks. These pests have been learning to adapt to a more urban environment as their natural habitat continues to shrink. In addition to the itchy bites they cause, this also spells trouble in terms of disease. These mosquitoes are among the species that are known to carry dengue and other infectious diseases in this part of the world.

Mosquitoes in NJ

What do the Sao Paulo findings mean for mosquitoes in NJ? The same could end up happening here and becoming more of a problem as these mosquitoes continue to lose their natural habitat. This could put NJ residents at greater risk of getting West Nile virus and other diseases that these pests carry.

If you’re having a mosquito problem on your property now that the weather’s warmer, contact Allison Pest Control for NJ pest control services. We can help you eliminate these pests, so you won’t have to worry about getting bitten up this spring and summer.

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