Pest Control Services

What Should I Do Now to Pest Proof My Attic for Winter?

Do you think it’s far too early to think about winter pests? When it comes to pest control, plan now to save yourself a lot of grief down the road. Our New Jersey exterminator offers valuable tips on what you can do now to pest-proof your attic for the upcoming winter months.

Steps for Pest-Proofing Your Attic

1. Seal any holes, cracks, and gaps.

The most fundamental way to keep pests out of your attic is to close off any entry points. Carefully examine your home for any openings that might admit unwanted guests, but don’t stop with the attic. Walk the perimeter of your house and check the sides and foundation. Don’t assume that any opening is too small to bother with.

2. Use proper food storage.

Check out the contents of your kitchen cabinets. Are any foods stored in bags and boxes that could be vulnerable to leaks and spills or the sharp teeth of rodents? Crumbs and spilled food are great draws for insects and other pests. Now is the time to start using sturdy, tightly sealed containers to store food.

3. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed.

Overgrown shrubs and trees provide a convenient route for pests to gain access to your home. They can also conceal possible entry points. Make sure greenery is trimmed on a regular basis.

4. Reduce clutter.

Do you think there’s no need to maintain order in the attic because no one but your family sees it? Pests will thank you for providing so many hiding spots for them. Take time to organize the clutter and replace cardboard boxes with sealed containers.

Looking for Effective New Jersey Exterminator Services?

Get peace of mind with a free pest inspection by our experienced New Jersey exterminator. Contact Allison Pest Control to learn more.

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