Pest Control Services

Stink Bugs – October is the Month for Stink Bugs in New Jersey Homes

Ahh, stink bugs, they herald in October with their pungent smell when crushed. Chilly weather in October might feel nice after summer heat, but it can also attract stink bugs. These are invasive bugs that spend this time of year looking for warmth and somewhere to spend the winter months. You’ll need a local exterminator to help you get rid of these pests if they make their way into your home this season.

Stink Bugs’ Physical Appearance

You can easily identify this insect pest from their shield shape. They have grayish-brown coloring and grow to be around 3/4 of an inch long as adults. Don’t be surprised if you see several of them around your home rather than just one.

Stink Bug Behavior

As it gets cooler out, stink bugs sometimes gather to warm surfaces in groups. You might see them on the sunny side of your home. These bugs can end up finding ways into your home, where they’ll have warmth and shelter all winter.

Are There Stink Bug Risks?

Is it dangerous to have stink bugs in your home? These insects don’t bite. They also don’t cause property damage. However, they can form huge infestations in homes. They also emit a foul odor when crushed, which can make them tricky to eliminate. Professional pest control experts can find these bugs for you and get rid of them without filling your home with stink bug odors.

Allison Pest Control the Stink Bug Exterminator of Choice

If you’re looking to hire a local exterminator to solve your pest problem, please contact Allison Pest Control. Our technicians can effectively rid your home of pests this fall.

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