
Checking For Ticks Is Essential For Preventing Bites

Ticks are around more often when it’s warm out in NJ. These pests bite and feed on blood, which can put you in harm’s way. Ticks spread Lyme disease and other diseases that can be serious. Find out what to do about ticks and when you’ll need a NJ tick exterminator.

Check for Ticks Often

When you go outdoors in spring and summer, make sure you check for ticks frequently. These pests can latch onto exposed skin easily, especially in areas with higher grass. Look on areas of exposed skin often, so you can remove ticks immediately. Doing so helps prevent them from biting you and transmitting tick-borne diseases.

How to Handle a Tick

If a tick is on you, but hasn’t latched onto your skin yet, use a tissue to grab it. If it has already latched onto you, it’s important to get it off you as soon as you can. Use a pair of tweezers to gently remove the tick. Grab it as close to your skin as possible and pull it straight up from your skin. Avoid twisting or moving it in other ways, since this can cause the mouth to remain inside your skin.

After Removing a Tick

Wash your skin using warm water and soap after you remove a tick. Put the tick in rubbing alcohol, then seal it in a bag.

If you need a NJ tick exterminator for your property, contact Allison Pest Control. Our team can treat your property for ticks and other pests with our quality pest control services.

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