
Rutgers University Provides Wasp Control Tips

Wasps can make it difficult to relax outdoors during summer, especially if you have a nest near your home. Professional NJ wasp control service can help eliminate these pests. Rutgers University also offers the following tips on keeping wasps at bay.

Identify Wasp Nests

Some wasps build nests above ground, while others build nests underground. Mud daubers and hornets typically build nests above ground, such as on eaves or in trees. Yellow jackets build nests both above ground and in the ground. Yellow jackets and hornets often build nests shaped like a football and made from papery material. Mud daubers build nests made of mud or clay.

How to Handle Wasp Nests

Although insecticides can be used to eliminate wasp nests, it’s best to have professionals deal with them instead. Spraying insecticide involves knowing how to use these products and when to use them. Using insecticides incorrectly or using them at the wrong time of day can be dangerous, since wasps in the nest or near it can attack and sting you multiple times.

Other Wasp Prevention Tips

You can also help keep wasps out of your yard by keeping trash cans closed at all times. Sealing up gaps around windows and doors prevents these stinging pests from getting into your home as well. When you’re outside, avoid wearing floral scents and patterns, which attract wasps.

If you’re looking for dependable NJ wasp control service, contact Allison Pest Control. Our team knows how to safely remove wasps from NJ homes and yards.

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