
Get Ready To Take Notes On What Scents Repel Mosquitos!

Warmer weather means a higher chance of needing NJ mosquito control for an infestation in your yard. However, there are some scents that can lower your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes until you have your yard treated. The following scents can help deter mosquitoes from coming near you, so you can enjoy being outside this season.

Mosquito-Deterring Scents

Several kinds of plants have scents that can stop mosquitoes from approaching you. These include cinnamon bark oil, geranium oil, lemongrass eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, and pine oil. You can also use oil from catnip, lavender, citronella, and rosemary to keep mosquitoes at bay. Mosquitoes hate the scent of some plants, while other plants have strong odors that make it hard for them to look for prey.

Tips for Preventing Mosquito Bites

Whether you burn citronella candles or use rosemary oil or catnip oil, scents that deter mosquitoes can stop them from becoming a problem in your yard. Body sprays that contain scents such as lavender can also prevent you from attracting mosquitoes. You can crush the leaves of rosemary, lavender, and other plants to spread their scent around. Some plants, such as lemongrass eucalyptus, have oil that keeps ticks at bay as well. Keep in mind that you can also protect yourself from mosquito bites by covering exposed skin when you’re outside.

If you’re looking for reliable NJ mosquito control, contact Allison Pest Control. Our pest control team can treat your yard for mosquitoes and prevent infestations.

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