
When Does Mosquito Season Start and End in New Jersey

Mosquitoes have been busy all summer, but they’ll soon be going away for the year. Knowing when mosquito season starts and ends in our area can help you determine when to call a Spring Lake exterminator if you have these pests around.

Start of Mosquito Season

Mosquito season usually begins in May when the weather starts getting warmer. Some of these biting bugs emerge from hibernation, while others hatch from eggs. New hatchlings will appear shortly after a rainfall, since water activates the eggs. During the spring and summer seasons, mosquitoes stay busy biting and laying their eggs, which can lead to huge populations.

End of Mosquito Season

Mosquito season typically ends when the outside temperatures cool to temperatures below 50 degrees on a regular basis. Depending on local weather conditions, that could be in mid or late fall. Until then, it’s important to lower your risk of being bitten by these bugs, since they can spread illnesses.

Mosquito Prevention

Continue to apply mosquito repellent when you go outside in late summer and fall until the mosquitoes have gone away. You should also wear long pants and sleeves to keep these bugs from biting you. Having your property sprayed for mosquitoes can also stop these bugs from infesting your yard and putting you and your loved ones at risk of being bitten.

If you need a Spring Lake exterminator at your home for mosquitoes, please contact Allison Pest Control.

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