
Even Nuisances Like Wasps Find Ways to Benefit the Environment

Wasps are insects that you don’t want to see in your yard or home, since some species can inflict painful stings. However, you might be surprised to learn that wasps can benefit the local ecosystem. While you’ll still need to look for professional pest control in Monmouth County to deal with a wasp infestation, keep the following facts in mind.

Good for the Environment

Wasps don’t get as much recognition as honeybees and other bees when it comes to pollinating, but they do contribute. During late summer and fall, wasps look for nectar to feed on and transfer pollen. The bad news is that these bugs can become aggressive toward people while looking for sweet liquids to drink. This is why you should keep drinks covered when you’re outdoors and avoid wearing sweet-scented perfumes or body sprays.

Natural Pest Control

Some types of wasps are known for keeping populations of certain pests down. Social wasps, for example, feed on insects that can damage vegetation and gardens. Their predatory nature makes them a natural form of pest control in some areas. Keep in mind that some wasp species can be highly aggressive when defending their colony, so you should have their nests professionally removed.

If wasps are bugging you this season, contact Allison Pest Control. Our company offers dependable pest control in Monmouth County for wasps and other pests.

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