
Winter is the Time To Thin the Herd for Lanternflies

Spotted lanternflies have become a major invasive nuisance in NJ. The good news is that adult lanternflies can’t survive when temperatures drop too low. The bad news is that their eggs can survive extreme cold. You might not need an exterminator Monmouth County NJ for adult lanternflies this winter, but they might come in handy if you have lanternfly eggs on your property.

Spotted Lanternfly Eggs in the Cold

The eggs of these invasive bugs are able to handle temperatures dropping as low as 12 to 14 degrees without being harmed. Keep in mind that this doesn’t refer to air temperatures. The surfaces that spotted lanternfly eggs are attached to need to drop below this temperature range in order to do any damage. Otherwise, these eggs can survive and hatch as the weather warms up.

Handling Spotted Lanternfly Eggs

Spotted lanternflies lay eggs in masses on trees and other surfaces. These masses might resemble big patches or splotches of dirt or mud. Scraping these egg masses off and sealing them in plastic containers filled with rubbing alcohol can destroy them. This prevents the eggs from hatching, which helps lower spotted lanternfly populations in spring. Without egg removal, these invasive bugs can rapidly create large populations that cause damage to trees and plants.

If you need help dealing with lanternflies and their eggs this winter, contact Allison Pest Control. We offer reliable exterminator Monmouth County NJ services for homeowners and commercial property owners.

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