
5 Facts About The Most Common Mosquito to Carry West Nile Virus: Culex Pipiens

Mosquitoes aren’t hard to find in NJ during summer. While some only leave itchy bites, others can put you at risk of illness. The Culex Pipiens species, also known as the common house mosquito, can spread West Nile virus. Learn more about this mosquito and why it’s so important to schedule professional mosquito control service.

They’re Medium-Sized and Brown

How do you know if you have these mosquitoes around? Common house mosquitoes are considered medium-sized. They also have brownish coloring without any noticeable markings or patterns, unlike the Asian tiger mosquito and other mosquito species.

They Lay up to 200 Eggs at a Time

Common house mosquitoes can easily cause large infestations due to the way they reproduce. Females are able to lay up to 200 eggs at a time. They lay eggs on the surface of water in batches.

They’re Technically Invasive in NJ

These common mosquitoes are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. However, they’ve been in North America for centuries. Experts believe they came over on ships from its native habitats long ago.

They Spread Multiple Illnesses

Common house mosquitoes are mainly known for spreading West Nile virus. However, they’re known to carry other diseases, such as Rift Valley fever virus and Japanese encephalitis virus.

They’re Subject to Public Health Control Measures

Officials in NJ have taken steps to reduce populations of Culex Pipiens in order to stop West Nile virus from spreading.

Need dependable and effective mosquito control service for your home? Contact Allison Pest Control to schedule service.

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