Seeing cockroaches in your home or business can make your skin crawl for a good reason. These pests can cause many problems, including spreading germs, contaminating food, and causing allergic reactions. Plan on scheduling NJ cockroach control service if you have any of these cockroaches around.
American Cockroaches
American cockroaches, also called palmetto bugs or water bugs, are large cockroaches that can infest homes and buildings. These cockroaches have reddish-brown coloring and can measure over 2 inches in length as adults.
German Cockroaches
German cockroaches are smaller than American cockroaches, but they’re also much more common inside homes and buildings. These pests have tan or light brown coloring and grow to be up to 5/8 inches long as adults.
Brown-Banded Cockroaches
Brown-banded cockroaches are another smaller type of cockroach found in homes and building interiors. These cockroaches measure up to a half-inch long when fully grown and have distinctive brown bands across their wings.
Oriental Cockroaches
Oriental cockroaches are a large type of cockroach that’s usually found outdoors, although some can invade homes and buildings. These cockroaches, also called water bugs, have shiny black coloring and grow to be around an inch long as adults.
What to Do About Cockroaches
Trying to eliminate cockroach infestations on your own can be a big challenge. Pest control professionals can get rid of these pests and prevent more infestations from happening.
If your home or business needs NJ cockroach control service, contact Allison Pest Control. We can handle any type of cockroach infestation in your home or building.