
How To Spot A German Cockroach in Your NJ Home

Having any type of cockroach in your NJ home isn’t good, but some are worse than others. German cockroaches are known for invading homes, while other types of cockroaches mainly stay outdoors. Seeing a German cockroach in your home can indicate a more widespread problem with these pests. You should plan on getting professional pest control in Ocean County NJ if you spot any German cockroaches in your home.

German Cockroach Appearance

German cockroaches have a light brown or tan coloring with darker markings on their backs. These cockroaches can grow to be between half an inch to 5/8 of an inch long as adults. Female German cockroaches usually have a darker coloring than the males. This type of cockroach does have wings, but they don’t fly much.

Signs to Watch For

You might have a German cockroach infestation if you see any of these bugs in your home. You might find them crawling on walls, running across floors, or hanging out in areas where they’re likely to find food and water. Other signs that you might have an infestation include finding tiny, dark droppings around your home. A large infestation of these cockroaches can sometimes cause a musty odor as well.

What to Do About German Cockroaches

You should have pest control experts treat your home for German cockroaches. Infestations can be hard to thoroughly eliminate with DIY methods.

If you need quality pest control in Ocean County NJ for a cockroach problem, please contact Allison Pest Control.

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