
Rutgers Weighs in On The Top Tips for Hiring a New Jersey Pest Control Company

Rutgers University offers tips on hiring a New Jersey pest control company. Read our article to learn more about how to make your choice.

Seeing bugs or rodents in your home or business means it’s time to take action and stop an infestation from occurring. If you already have a pest problem, hiring professional New Jersey exterminators can stop it from getting worse. Rutgers University offers the following advice on how to hire an exterminator.

Stay Local

Look for a locally owned and operated pest control company. These professionals know exactly what kinds of pests are common in NJ at different times of the year. They’ll also know the best ways to deal with NJ pests.

Explore Services

What kinds of services do pest control companies offer? This can vary from one company to the next, so it’s important to find what you need. Look for a company that handles the type of pest problem you have, whether it’s an invasive bug or a rodent problem. You can also look for a pest control company that practices integrated pest management (IPM) to help lower your risk of ever having a pest problem.

Ask for Details on Pest Control Practices

When hiring an exterminator, ask about the types of pest control methods they use. This includes any products they use to destroy pests or how they remove nests, such as wasp or bee nests. Make sure you hire a pest control company that uses safe and effective pest control practices.

Ready to hire a pest control exterminator for your home or business? Give the experts at Allison Pest Control a top New Jersey pest control company, a call today to learn more about our services.

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