While other bugs hibernate or die off in the winter, bed bugs are just as active as ever. These bugs can typically handle cooler temperatures, since they know how to stay warm and safe indoors. Find out how to keep bed bugs at bay this winter, so you won’t need pest control in Monmouth County for an infestation.
Bed Bug Behavior
Bed bugs tend to feed at night, but keep in mind that they can be anywhere in your home. Although being bitten in bed is common, these bugs can also bite you when you’re in other areas of your home. Taking steps to prevent these pests from getting into your home is the best way to avoid having to deal with them this winter.
Preventing Bed Bugs
How can you keep bed bugs away this season? Be careful if you’re traveling for the holidays. You might bring these pests home with you on your luggage or clothes. Even going around town to run errands during winter can put you at risk of picking up these pests. Check bags before bringing them inside, and consider putting an encasement on your mattress and box spring to help prevent these bugs from taking hold in your home.
If you need help for bed bugs this winter, call Allison Pest Control as soon as you can. We provide prompt pest control in Monmouth County, including bed bug control.