
Don’t Let Up on Vigilance – Pests Move into Your Home to Get Warm

Bugs might not seem to be around in the winter, but they could be hiding inside your home. Insects look for warm areas to go when the weather gets cold, including NJ homes. Take the following steps to prevent pest problems this winter, and don’t hesitate to call an Ocean County NJ exterminator if you have an infestation.

Watch Your Firewood Pile

If you have a wood-burning fireplace, be careful when storing firewood. Termites and other pests tend to hide out in these piles. Bringing infested wood inside means you’re also bringing these pests indoors. Store firewood away from your home exterior, and check it for pests before carrying it inside.

Seal Up Gaps

Bugs can get into homes through small gaps. Seal up any openings in your home’s foundation and other areas, such as around doors and windows, in order to prevent bug infestations this winter.

Get Pest Control Service All Year

You don’t have to wait for an infestation to get your home treated. Planned pest control throughout the year can help reduce your risk of ending up with a pest problem in winter. Keep in mind that several types of bugs hide out inside walls and other areas while waiting for spring to arrive. Having your home treated during winter means they won’t have a chance to emerge from hiding and reproduce.

If you need an Ocean County NJ exterminator, contact Allison Pest Control. We can rid your home of bug infestations and prevent future pest problems.

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