
A Fresh Coat Of Paint Can’t Fix These Problems – NJ Residents Might Be Forced Out Of Housing Due To Mold, Bugs, And Roaches

A public housing building in Newark is calling attention to the fact that pest problems can easily get out of hand. This apartment building might be deemed unfit for people to live in due to mold and severe pest infestations. This is a good reminder that getting pest control services in Monmouth County right away for any type of pest problem is important.

Pest Problems at Stratford Place

Stratford Place is the apartment building in Newark that could be forcing tenants out soon. Pest problems, including roaches and rodent infestations, have become severe enough to make the building unsafe for people. In fact, one resident spoke about having children who sleep in a bedroom where mice roam around.

Tenants have complained about pests and other problems, including mold, but management has only taken minimal steps toward fixing these issues.

Importance of Prompt Pest Control

Some pests are able to quickly infest a home or building when they’re not eliminated right away. The longer these infestations continue, the harder they become to deal with. Homeowners in NJ should have pest problems handled right away to prevent them from turning into much larger or more widespread issues, whether they’re seeing a few mice or several roaches in their home.

If you have rodents or bugs in your home, contact Allison Pest Control as soon as possible. We can provide you with high-quality pest control services in Monmouth County.

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