
20% of NJ Homeowners Will Have Termites this Year

Termites are one of the worst pests you can have in your NJ home. These wood-eating bugs require prompt Monmouth County pest control services to prevent structural damage from developing. Unfortunately, 20 percent of homeowners in NJ can count on having a termite infestation.

Early Detection

Termites can be very hard to detect in your home. Since they mainly stay within walls and other areas that are tough to spot, your home can end up with a lot of damage before you even know there’s a problem. Keep in mind that termites can do considerable damage in a short amount of time, which can put your home at risk of having structural damage that makes it unsafe. The best way to prevent this from happening is by catching termite infestations early.

Termite Control

If an inspection reveals that you have termites in your home, the pest control professionals at Allison Pest Control can help. Our pest experts can treat your home for damage caused by different types of termite species, such as Eastern subterranean termites, and lower your risk of dealing with these pests again. Prompt treatment helps protect your home from extensive termite damage.

If you’re among the 20 percent of NJ homeowners with termites, contact Allison Pest Control for treatment right away. We offer Monmouth County pest control services to get rid of termites and protect your home.

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