The charming community of Brielle, New Jersey perched alongside the Manasquan River in southern Monmouth County, has an equally lovely name. It was bestowed by a 19th-century developer in honor of a similarly pastoral town he once visited in the Netherlands.
Famed author Robert Louis Stevenson was also appreciative of Brielle’s appeal. He spent most of the month of May 1888 on vacation there, using the time to work on his classic book The Master of Ballantrae.
Brielle Pest Control and Pest Extermination
Native American farmers in Monmouth County frequently visited the area that is now Brielle to take advantage of the plentiful fishing and hunting opportunities. Where there’s wildlife, insects are sure to be as well, creating a need for effective Brielle pest control.
As natives of Monmouth County, the owners and staff of Allison Pest Control are knowledgeable about all the insect and rodent varieties that turn up in the area. Our company has been providing quality Brielle pest control services to local homes and businesses since 1917.
Ants Create a Sticky Problem for Brielle, NJ Residents

Ants are a Problem for Brielle Homeowners.
Ants may be cute and funny as animated characters on a movie screen, but they’re no laughing matter when they turn up in your home or business. Contrary to their tiny size, ants are omnivores who will eat just about anything. That makes kitchens, with their plentiful food stores, a particularly attractive target for them.
If it seems as though ants are everywhere, it’s because they are. Their social organization, adaptability to different environments, and keen survival skills have developed over millions of years of evolution, making ants nature’s nearly perfect species. They also make ants nearly impossible to eliminate without the help of a professional Brielle pest control company.
While ants are not usually a health risk and generally harm nothing more than your food supply, there are some varieties that pose a threat calling for Brielle pest control. Carpenter ants are so named because of their burrowing behavior, tunneling deeply into wood to create secure galleries where they can nest. Considering the fact that large colonies can run into the tens of thousands, it’s clear that an infestation can cause serious structural damage.
Tiny pharaoh ants are only 1/16-inch in size, but they present a giant-sized challenge for Brielle pest control. They are also known as sugar ants due to their “sweet tooth” which sends them foraging for sugary foods and liquids. More troubling is the fact that pharaoh ants can carry more than a dozen pathogens, including staph, strep and salmonella.
Termites Pose a Serious Challenge for Brielle Pest Control
As indicated by its name, the Eastern subterranean termite lives underground, but it creates a serious threat to structures up above. One of four subterranean species found in the United States, Eastern subterranean termites are the only variety occurring in New Jersey where they keep our Brielle pest control technicians busy, infesting one out of five homes each year.

Termite Swarmers Arrive in the Spring.
While wood is the primary element of their diet, Eastern subterranean termites also require a constant source of moisture. Damp, damaged wood supplies both of their needs, so buildings with leaks or flood damage make attractive targets. Ranging in size from 1/8-inch to 3/8-inch, these termites can easily make their way indoors through the tiniest cracks and openings.
Eastern subterranean termites pose a particularly thorny problem for Brielle pest control. These insects are poor flyers, so once they establish a colony indoors, they tend to form a number of satellite communities in the same structure. Professional help is needed to ensure that the termite presence is completely eradicated.
New Jersey Pest Home Protection Plan
Protect your family, home and business from cockroaches, termites and other unwanted pests. Our efficient Brielle pest control services include a selection of home and commercial pest management programs. Contact us today to schedule a free pest inspection.
Find out why Allison Pest Control is the top exterminator service for your Brielle pest control needs!