
Beneficial Insects According to Rutgers: Know When to Call Your Local Exterminator

Not all insects are created equal. Some call for the services of a local exterminator, while others serve a beneficial purpose. Experts at Rutgers University share information about some common “good guy” insects.

Ladybird Beetles

You probably know ladybird beetles by their more popular name of ladybugs. The brightly colored adult ladybird beetle is easily recognizable, but it’s during the less familiar larva stage that these insects are most actively feeding.

Aphids, scale insects, and spider mites constitute the most common prey of ladybird beetles. The larger, brighter larvae predominantly feed on aphids, while their smaller and darker cousins dine on scale insects.


In contrast to their delicate-sounding name, lacewing larvae have been referred to as the “psychopaths of the insect world.” Their fang-like mandibles allow lacewings to impale their prey and suck out bodily fluids, much like a vampire.

Lacewings have yet another nickname of “aphid-lions” as they have seemingly insatiable appetites and they’ve been known to fearlessly attack larger prey. It’s not unusual for a single larva to consume 1,000 spider mites per day for a two-week stretch. Other prey favored by lacewings include soft-bodied insects such as mealybugs, scale insects, and whiteflies.

Flower Flies

Flower flies, also known as hover flies, can easily be mistaken for wasps or bees. Similarities include yellow and orange band markings on the abdomen and the ability to hover in flight.

These insects also have some commonalities with lacewings. Flower flies have mouthparts that consist of two retractable hooks, which they use to spear prey and suck out bodily fluids.

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